These General Business Terms and Conditions together with, where applicable, the Particular Terms and Conditions that could be established, are intended to govern any relationships that may arise between GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. and the User who contracts the provision of the services or products offered through this Website.

GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. does hereby inform you that the procedures to purchase the goods or obtain the services offered are those described in these General Business Terms and Conditions, as well as in any other particular ones that may be indicated on the screen during browsing; therefore, the User declares that the user is familiar with and accepts these procedures since they are necessary to access the products and services offered on the Website.

The foregoing implies that the User, each time he/she intends to use this Website, should consult these Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Particular Terms and Conditions that may exist, as the Conditions and the Website are subject to changes. Access to this Website is the sole responsibility of the User and implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

The User does hereby state that he/she is of legal age, being entirely responsible for the veracity of this statement, and that he/she has the necessary legal capacity to contract the services offered on this Website, in accordance with the terms set out in these Terms and Conditions, which he/she declares to understand and accept. In the case of Users who are minors or disabled persons, the use of the Website will be under the full responsibility of their parents, representatives or legal guardians, who must accompany, supervise or take the appropriate precautions during their browsing of the Website.

GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. is the company responsible for the management and administration of this Website, although the service is provided from the "PIZZERÍA CARLOS" establishment closest to the address entered on the corresponding form, and the order may be managed and delivered by any of the Pizzerías Carlos restaurants participating in this system. Therefore, the company that owns the restaurant where the User places his/her order will be the contractual party to the purchase contract signed through this Website, and will be solely responsible for the sale, distribution, delivery and issuing of the corresponding ticket or invoice, as well as for collecting payment for orders, if applicable. You will be able to consult the corporate and tax details of the establishment responsible for managing your order during the purchase process. In view of the above, the Particular Terms and Conditions that may be established by each of the establishments in terms of delivery times, payment methods, minimum orders for home delivery and procedures for settling possible incidents must also be taken into account.



These Terms and Conditions comprise the entire agreement between you (hereinafter, the “Customer”) and GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L., a company with address at Calle San Romualdo, no. 26, local B, planta baja, Edificio Astigi (28037 Madrid), and registered with the Business Register of Madrid, under Page M-586836, Volume 32603 Folio 143, and with Tax Id. Code [C.I.F.] no. B-62432067.

Both contracting parties mutually recognise each other's legal capacity to enter into these Terms and Conditions.


By completing the corresponding order, the Customer declares to have read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions. Acceptance of the information contained in this document implies acceptance of any of the legal documents to which it refers, specifically the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy. All of the foregoing implies the conclusion of an agreement between the Customer and GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L.

In this regard, it should be noted that the personal data provided for the management of the purchase will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy of GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. published on this Website.


The products and/or services offered by GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. and acquired by the Customer through the purchase process are the purpose of the agreement.

The Home page of this Website lists the products and/or services currently available, as well as the characteristics and specific conditions for contracting them, so that when the Customer accepts these Terms and Conditions through the purchase process, he/she will also be accepting the particular terms and conditions corresponding to the product being contracted.


All product and/or service orders are subject to availability. In this respect, the Customer will be reimbursed any amount that may have been paid in the event of difficulties in the provision of the products and/or services. GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. reserves the right to withdraw, when it deems appropriate, any product and/or service from the Website.


The prices of each of the products and/or services will be shown during the purchase process and in any case when adding them to the shopping cart. All of them include VAT and shipping costs.

Prices are subject to change at any time. However, any changes or refunds, if possible, will not affect orders for which the corresponding confirmation has already been sent.

The final price of the product and/or service contracted will be that established at the time of purchase. In the event of a manifest error in the price of the product and/or service, the Customer will be informed as soon as possible, so that he/she can reconfirm his/her order at the correct price or cancel it.

The amounts to be paid shall be paid by the method of payment selected by the Customer.

The non-payment of any amount established in the agreement will entitle GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. to cancel or withdraw the product and/or service contracted, temporarily or definitively, and, where appropriate, to terminate the agreement. GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. will be able to claim from the Customer all the expenses caused by the non-payment, including both bank and additional management expenses.


To place an order you must follow the on-line purchase process and go through all the procedures established to complete the electronic contracting, having the following options:

During the checkout process you will be able to verify all the details of your order, including the breakdown of all amounts, and correct any errors in the data entered.

After payment, you will then receive an e-mail acknowledging receipt of your order (the 'Order Confirmation').

In any case, the Order Confirmation does not imply acceptance by GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. of said order. All orders are subject to our acceptance, of which you will be informed via an e-mail from us confirming that the product is being deliver (the “Delivery Confirmation”).

In the case of orders where the option of home delivery is offered, the Delivery Confirmation will include details of the estimated delivery date and, where appropriate, additional information on how the delivery will be handled.


The delivery time will be the one stated in the Delivery Confirmation. If there is any delay in delivery you will be informed of this fact and give you the option to either proceed with the purchase by setting a new delivery date or to cancel the order with a full refund of the price paid.

Products from confirmed orders will be delivered to the address entered by the Customer at the time of purchase.


The Customer shall have a period of 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the product to exercise their right of withdrawal and return the product, in accordance with the legal provisions.

In case of return, the product must be delivered to GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. in perfect conditions, with its original packaging and without having been used.

Returns may be made through the specific procedures stated on this Website.


The Customer may submit complaints, either through the procedures set out on the Website or through the Customer Service Department. The term for the resolution of complaints shall not exceed 30 days.


In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. informs the Customer that the personal data provided during the contracting process will be included in a file owned by GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. for the purpose of managing the contractual relationship, as well as, where appropriate, sending electronic commercial communications.


These General Terms and Conditions shall be construed and governed pursuant to the Spanish Laws. For the resolution of any dispute arising from the construction, execution or fulfilment of these General Business Terms and Conditions, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

The User may contact GESTION OPERATIVA DE PIZZERIAS CARLOS, S.L. for any doubt or incident related to the provision of services, through the contact details stated on this Website.